Sunday, February 14, 2010

A best friend

In my life I have just a few friends that I can truly rely on, turn to and know that they will not abandon me. One of these friends has been there with me since my very early days of childhood. We grew up together, went to the same school and had parents who are still good friends. We evolved similar needs, wants and to some extent also hobbies.
As to his personality, he has all that I praise and cherish in people the most. That is stamina, moral values and great ability to polemize on and defend everything he believes in. Although always slimmer and smaller than me, we still look a bit alike. That is except all the diseases that violently struck him and somehow left me unnoticed. Were both long haired, listen to similar music, attend the same concerts and always look for a chance to go hiking into our mountains. Alone, with all the worries of the outer world left behind. Just minding our own business and allowing our legs to take control of the route ahead. So if you're ever in Beskidy and see two weirdoes striving to reach another peak, its me and Maciek trying to set our new time record on a twenty mile walk


AgataL said...

I guess there is something about walking together that helps us get to know other people better. It's great to have such a good companion.

martamalgorzatamariamagdalena said...

There's the third weirdo in far background:) hello, that would be me:)

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